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- Creating Basic Plots
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- Attributes and Methods
- Python Strings
- Scope and lifetime of variables
- Advanced Plotting
- Reading from files
- Performance and Limitations
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- Python List
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- Python Tuple
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- Special Methods
Python Strings
String indexing and slicing
1. Accessing individual characters:
Python strings behave like sequences, where each character has a designated position or index. You can access any character in a string using its index within square brackets []. Indexing starts from 0, meaning the first character has index 0, the second character has index 1, and so on.
my_string = "Hello, world!" # Accessing the first character first_char = my_string[0] # H print("The first character is:", first_char) # Accessing the last character last_char = my_string[-1] # ! (notice negative indexing) print("The last character is:", last_char)
2. String slicing:
String slicing allows you to extract a portion (substring) of a string based on a starting and ending index. You use square brackets [] with a colon : separating the start and end indices. Here's the key point:
The end index is exclusive, meaning the character at that index is not included in the substring.
my_string = "Hello, world!" sub_string = my_string[2:7] # llo, Wor (extracts characters from index 2 to 6 (exclusive)) print("Substring between index 2 and 6:", sub_string)
In this example, sub_string captures characters from index 2 (inclusive) to index 6 (exclusive), resulting in "llo, Wor".
3. Negative indexing:
Python also supports negative indexing, which allows you to access characters from the end of the string. The index -1 refers to the last character, -2 refers to the second-last character, and so on.
my_string = "Hello, world!" second_last_char = my_string[-2] # r (accessing from the right) print("The second last character:", second_last_char) # Extracting from the 5th character from the end (world!) from_end = my_string[-5:] print("Substring starting from the 5th character from the end:", from_end)
Here, second_last_char retrieves the character at index -2, which is "r". Similarly, from_end extracts characters from the 5th character from the end (index -5) to the end of the string, resulting in "world!".
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How do you access the first character of a string in Python?
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What is the result of my_string[2:7] for my_string = "Hello, world!"?
A"lo, wo"
B"llo, "
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Which character is accessed with my_string[-2] if my_string = "Hello, world!"?
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What does my_string[-5:] return for my_string = "Hello, world!"?
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What is the key rule of string slicing when specifying the start and end index?
AThe start index is exclusive.
BThe end index is inclusive.
CThe end index is exclusive.
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