Learn Python
- Python basic
- Introduction to File Handling
- Basics of List Comprehension
- Introduction to Matplotlib
- Classes and Objects
- Introduction to Functions
- Python Numbers
- Creating Basic Plots
- Opening and closing files
- Function parameters and arguments
- Advanced Techniques
- Attributes and Methods
- Python Strings
- Scope and lifetime of variables
- Advanced Plotting
- Reading from files
- Performance and Limitations
- Encapsulation
- Python List
- Specialized Plots
- Writing to files
- Return statement and output
- Inheritance
- Python Tuple
- Advanced Customization
- Working with different file formats
- Lambda Functions
- Polymorphism
- Python Sets
- File management operations
Python basic
Introduction to variables
In Python, variables are used to store information that your program can manipulate and use later. Think of a variable as a box that holds data, like numbers or words. Every variable has a name, and you can think of that name as a label on the box.
1. What is a Variable?
A variable is a name that refers to a value. This value can change as your program runs. It’s a way for you to store data and reuse it whenever you need.
1. What is a Variable?
A variable is a name that refers to a value. This value can change as your program runs. It’s a way for you to store data and reuse it whenever you need.
age = 25 name = "Alice"
In this example:
- The variable age stores the number 25.
- The variable name stores the text Alice, which is a string (a sequence of characters).
2. Assigning values to variables:
You create a variable by assigning a value to it using the equals sign (=). The variable name comes before the equals sign, and the value you want to store comes after it.
x = 10 # x now holds the value 10 y = "Hello" # y now holds the value "Hello"
3. Using variables:
After you’ve created a variable, you can use it anywhere in your program. You can print its value, use it in calculations, or even change it.
price = 100 tax = 0.2 total = price + (price * tax) print(total) # Output: 120.0
4. Variable names:
- Variable names should be meaningful, so you and others can understand your code more easily.
- They must start with a letter or an underscore ( _ ), but they can contain numbers and underscores.
- Variable names are case-sensitive. For example, myVar and myvar are two different variables.
Examples of valid variable names:
my_age = 25 user_name = "Alice"
Invalid variable names would be something like:
3cars = 10 # Starts with a number, not allowed! user-name = "Bob" # Contains a dash, not allowed!
5. Types of data:
Variables can store different types of data:
- Integers (whole numbers): age = 25
- Floats (decimal numbers): height = 1.75
- Strings (text): name = "Alice"
- Booleans (True or False values): is_student = True
6. Dynamic typing:
Python is a dynamically typed language, which means you don’t have to declare the type of a variable. The type is inferred from the value assigned. You can also change the type by reassigning a different value.
x = 5 # x is an integer x = "Hello" # Now x is a string
Variables make your code more flexible and readable. Instead of hardcoding values (like writing 25 everywhere), you can store a value in a variable and update it in one place. This also allows you to easily modify or use the value in multiple parts of your program.
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What is a variable in Python?
CA type of data structure
DA command used in functions
AA fixed value that cannot change
BA name that refers to a value
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How do you assign a value to a variable?
AUsing the equals sign (=)
BUsing a colon (:)
CUsing the plus sign (+)
DUsing the arrow (->)
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What will the following code print: price = 100, tax = 0.2, total = price + (price * tax), print(total)?
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Which of the following is a valid variable name?
Dmy age
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Which of the following is not a data type in Python?
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